Using CFRPM 7

From Central Florida Regional Planning Model
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Details of various uses of the CFRPM will be outlined in this section as they evolve, including running the model, configuring scenarios, how to extract key model results, use of MPO reporting tools and other applications key to the successful usage of the CFRPM.

Overview of CFRPM 7[edit]

The Central Florida Regional Planning Model (CFRPM) is a traditional four-step model, this page discusses the latest versioning changes, on-going efforts and upcoming releases, and links to other models that use the CFRPM for derivative works.

User Guide[edit]

The purpose of this user guide is to give users an introductory overview of the User Guide documentation and document which section to look for additional information.

Training Materials[edit]

Training is an essential part of learning and the CFRPM 7 wiki provides presentation files and recordings of training to help knowledge distribution and use.

Project Templates[edit]

The CFRPM 7 project templates are provided as guides for setting up ArcMap files, developing graphics, and writing project reports.

Video Tutorials[edit]

Video tutorials are provided to visually demonstrate tools, actions, and processes in working with the travel demand model. These include:

  • Downloading and installing CFRPM 7
  • Setting up ESRI software
  • Running the model
  • Open and evaluate highway assignment validation reports

Frequently Asked Questions[edit]

This section is a compilation of our most frequently asked questions (FAQ).


Troubleshooting is a critical component in working with a travel demand model. The purpose of this section is to identify the process for reviewing model documentation, address common issues and solutions, and how to report bugs or issues.

Moved to User Guide == Sub-Area Analysis ==

Moved to User Guide == Select Link Analysis ==